January 20, 2012
January 19, 2012
Lifestyle: Wankered Wednesdays – Blood And Sand
I know it’s late again but I like the name Wankered Wednesdays too much to call it anything else. Blood and Sand is a Scotch whiskey cocktail that was first created around the same time as the release of Rudolph Valentino's bullfighter movie Blood and Sand. It takes it’s blood red colour from the Blood Orange that’s used to mix it with.
You will need:1 oz blended Scotch, 1 oz blood (Blood) Orange juice, ¾ oz sweet vermouth, ¾ oz Cherry Heering, Ice (if you want)
To prepare (this ones easy): 1. Add all contents to cocktail shaker.
2. Shake
3. Serve
Enjoy getting wankered.
January 18, 2012
TV/Film: Review – The Troll Hunter
Was tempted to give this a go after reading a little review of it in Front, I ended up being thoroughly entertained and found the final scene absolutely unreal. The story is one of a group of student film makers in Norway who are investigating illegal bear poaching that has been reported in the news. They think they have tracked down the man responsible for these random shootings but after following out on one of his hunts they find out he’s hunting something entirely different.